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Dr. WIll Flanagan, fascinated by the connection between cosmology and particle physics, began their physics career with phenomenology

applied to the Large

Hadron Collider

during its

construction for an

internship. Dr.

Flanagan then

studied at the

Compact Muon

Solenoid detector in

Colorado. Their

interest then shifted

to the Compact Muon



After graduating, Dr. Flanagan received their PhD from Texas A&M, searching for supersymmetric dark matter particles produced by weak boson fusion. In their postdoctoral work, Dr. Flanagan moved to neutrino physics, having a passion for particle detectors.


Currently, Dr. Flanagan teaches as an assistant professor of physics at the University of Dallas. In their laboratory, a massive array of monitors display particle collisions detected by the CMS in Colorado, with this data being manipulatable by Dr. Flanagan remotely. This intimacy with applied physics provides a wealth of insights, immeasurably valuable to my ISM career.  

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